Cucumbers growing on a old metal baby crib spring. Rescued from the Goodwill. It's the perfect fit!
Garden season, I love it! But that has not always been the case. After many years of fighting with this Virginia red clay, I just about gave up on ever having a garden. Then I discovered container gardening and raised beds.
I have several of these blue feed containers that my Father in law (aka Papa) gave me. Feed or salt blocks come in them for his cattle. So, I repurposed them for growing my tomatoes and bell peppers.
Tomatoes growing in a old feed container. look at the size of that plant! |
another look at the baby crib box spring |
The Great part about raised beds and containers is there is very little weeding. I love the square foot gardening
technique. You can grow so much in a small amount of space. www.squarefootgardening.com
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