What color do you Dream in? I dream in blue, Well blue cottages that is. Truly! I have dreams of this beautiful Blue cottage with a french dormer. I know what your thinking, BLUE? Yes, blue ! Beautiful blue with bright white trim!
The you, me and Dupree house |
A Katrina Cottage |
I have to say, this Katrina Cottage is my Favorite! ( Note the french Dormer.) Here is some very interesting information on the Katrina Cottages.
The small cottages designed to replace FEMA trailers after Hurricane Katrina are popular, so popular that Lowe's has decided to offer them in their stores http://consumerist.com/2007/07/lowes-makes-katrina-cottages-available-nationwide.html
Never tell your friends you dream about blue cottages, because if you do, they will certainly look at you like you have corn growing out of your ears! ( it's the truth, I have had it happen) HAHA
What's so wrong with blue?

Wow! come to mama! |
Nothing I say! nothing.
I can see this ! |
Whatever color you dream in, keep on dreaming, Dreams are important, they give us hope and something to work for!
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