The Strawberry Blonds Cottage

The Strawberry Blonds Cottage

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lemon Blossoms

These little things are way addictive. Be warned! lol

The recipe is from Paula Deen


DIY photo canvas

I  made a photo canvas today. Total price was 4.00 and some change. I had plenty of mod podge left over from last time and 1 canvas. Here it is~

you can choose any canvas size, photo of choice, mod podge, and a brush

Brush on Mod podge to canvas and back of picture. Than place picture on to canvas. Than brush over picture with Mod podge

Let Picture dry for 30 min. It will look creamy and wet.  But will turn out perfect.

You can choose any size or width of canvas. I chose a 8x10  slim

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eating healthy on a budget?

I have been saying for years to go to Aldi . Get everything you need and save big.  I want to show you some of the healthy stuff I got today. Than I'll tell you the price. Read this...

All of this on the table was 60.00 and some change! Apples, pears, strawberries, 2 bags of carrots, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, 3 minestrone soup, salsa, hummus, 3 yogurt, eggs, Raisin bread, granola, 100 calorie packs ( choc chip, and cheese cracker) 2 fit and lean turkey tubs, pickles, pretzel tub, 2 boxes lean pockets, 3 boxes lean meals, sugar free jello, sugar free creamer, thin wheat crackers, fat free pudding, trail mix packets, Bananas, 2 cans tuna, dried berries, granola, cheese fish crackers.

my total bill was 115.05 with the rest of this stuff............

I also purchased a ham, ciabatta bread, hotdog buns, Hamburger buns, tortilla chips, baked chips, 2 boxes of quick bread (banana and cinnamon) a box of muffin mix, cheese puffs, frozen pizza, chicken patties, white castle cheeseburgers ,mini corn dogs, lasagna, 2 packages lunch cheese cheddar, apple sauce, 2 frozen apple juice, sandwich baggies, vegetable oil, and round and square storage containers. 

I did my meat shopping last week. You can get everything meat wise at Aldi also. They have a money back guarantee, so if you don't like it, you have lost nothing. So far I have liked everything I have tried. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Ikea Trip

So sad to say! that all the Ikea goodies are not coming till August! That's what they told me in the store anyways. But as we know that didn't stop me from coming home with some really great stuff.

faux milk jug vases!

They come as a set. 9.99

I just put this faux lavender plant from ikea right in the larger one


Matching apron!

Lots of great stuff.  I also got some  plate mats and flatware for the kids

I had My eye on some other things...But I better