Let me first start by saying, I totally wish I had come up with this Idea! I found it over at Life as a Thrifter blog. I have been talking about redoing my laundry room for FOREVER now! That project is on hold till I decide on a color. But in the mean time, I found this at her blog. And knew I had to have it! Here's the picture of her Laundry room.
And here's how I did it!
Vintage Hangers, pictures, brush, canvas and Mod Podge |
You will need Mod Podge, 8x10 flat canvas- you can find these at wal-mart in a three pack, for about 3.50. If not A.C. Moore has them for the same price. I went to Hobby Lobby for them and the were triple the price 9.99! You will also need a wide brush .
Put newspaper or drop cloth under project |
Start by putting a coat of Mod Podge on the canvas, then place your picture on to it, with picture facing you and back of picture on top of canvas.
Canvas will dry clear |
Put a layer of Mod Podge over your picture. It will look milky and white, but it will dry clear in about 20-30 minitues.
Brush strokes will give it that canvas look |
The brush strokes will give it a canvas look!
Finished project! |
Finished product!
one more to do! |
I have one more to do. Some how the photo did not print out right and I didn't notice till I got home..boo
Ohh, well It's easy to fix!