Saturday, December 31, 2011

Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag

I am totally over that peee- yew smell if those metal lined microwave popcorn bags not to mention the $$$

I had read several times that you could pop popcorn in a brown paper bag?

So, I thought lets give it a try!

Step 1 you will need brown paper lunch bags, and a bag your choice of popcorn

Step 2 measure out 1/4 cup dry popcorn. I used 1/2 cup but it was a lot!

Step 3 put it in microwave for about 3 min....keep a eye on it ,when it starts to slow down take it out

Step 4 Enjoy!

- I was very surprised at the amount it made
- Make sure to use 1/4 cup when starting, The 1/2 cup almost over flowed
- This is totally money saving.  Supermarkets sell it at $ 4 a pound and usually $6
 ordinary popcorn is about $1 a pound or less, good organic popcorn is $2
 also, I think Costco sells it for $3 for 12lb.

- Your saving money
- your getting rid of that awful microwave smell
- your not putting those metal lined bags in the landfill
- you can recycle your brown paper bags
- No hydrogenated oils
- Who knows if those microwave bags are toxic

- If you want you can add oil to your bag
- you can also add butter or seasonings to your popcorn
- I paid 1.99 for the popcorn and 1.00 for the bags

The 1/2 a cup filled this big serving bowl!

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