My take on the fancy catalog |
I love to get those fancy, but way to expensive catalogs in the mail. I love, love all the beautiful layouts and beautiful things for your home. However, when I start adding it all up...My head starts spinning! Years ago, I started clipping out pictures from magazines and catalogs that inspired me. Then come up with my on take on it. I could have copied the fancy catalog picture exactly using frames from places like Kohls, Ikea or Wal-mart. But, again this was my take on it. Lets do a price break down. My wall, (The frames are from Wal-mart ) they came in a 6 pack , on clearance for 5.99 each . A total of 12.00 plus tax. The pictures I took myself, and got developed at My local Walgreens. Walgreens always has a weekly special on picture copies. The small pictures were about 10 to 16 cents and the larger ones with a coupon were about 2.65. In total 12.00 for pictures. The whole wall totaling 22.00 dollars! The fancy Catalog wall totals about 400.00 dollars. A savings of about 380.00!

Did I mention, the 400.00 dollar price from the fancy Catalog was their sale price!
Silly me, the lovely words on the wall...Kohl's. On sale and I had a 5.00 coupon, just for giving them my email address! Sweet....