Hello everyone, it's been way to long since my last blog post. And a lot as happened. First of all, the hubby was offered a amazing job offer! And he took it! So, as of a month ago we packed up our cottage and are now renting a beautiful house closer to his work. It was very hard leaving our cottage where we started our married lives and brought our little boys home to. We have entered into the unknown. We are hoping to build a home in about a year and a half. But you never know, we could always end up back in our cottage. Life is giving us a adventure and as long as we are together ....it all good!
Here is a beautiful picture out the front window of the rental!
It's a beautiful view for my coffee in the morning! |
I hope you will follow us long the crazy adventure we are on. I have lots coming...organization, recipes, photography, trips, money saving tips , crafts and of course home decorating!
till later oxox