Friday, July 29, 2011

Goodwill Hunting

-Let's talk about clothing. Keep in mind these are my own personal actions. If you like it great! , if not that's ok to.
-I love clothes, I really really love clothes, but clothing can get really expensive. Years ago I discovered the Goodwill and consignment shops, best thing that ever happened.  Here's the bottom line, you can get a ton for a little $$.
Goodwill loot
If you will live like no one else, later you will live like no one else ~Dave Ramsey

Jeans, Tops, dresses, shoes,  purses and a skirt
4 dresses- one with tags still on 30.00 reg.  Then the Black one is Isaac Mizrahi and a Express dress.
 Don't exchange what you want the most for what you want today~ ww leader....yes I am a member !

-Here's the break down,  Jeans 2 pair levi's bootcut- 3.00, Shirts 3 of them ( one is a vintage Rolling Stones t-shirt) 2.50, Dresses 4 of them 5.00 on sale 2.50 each! ( one with the tags still on it). Purses 2 2.25 Kathy Van Zeeland and Bisou Bisou ( total Score) one leather and one suede ! Shoes 3.00 and boots 4.00 ( boots are Isaac Mizrahi) . Skirt 1 on the 1.00 rack! Total = 36.00, plus i had a 20% off coupon...Just donate anything even newspaper and the will give you one. Grand total = 28.80! That's the cost of one pair of Levis!  But, I have 14 items! 

 Pay now, play now, pay later ~My Jr high teacher
Happy Hunting, save that extra money for your big dreams!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chalk it up, the many uses of Chalk Board Paint

Start with this
- I have had an obsession for a few years now. There are so many great ways to use it.  It comes in many colors, brands and you can choose spray or paint can. For me, I like the paint can and I pretty much stay with basic black. You can pick it up at any Wal-mart or Home Depot.

D-This is one of two pots that I painted. 

- Just a quick coat of paint, it dries super fast

Write what you want!
--The kids write I love you Mommy or Daddy on it
-you could put your house number on it
-welcome a visitor 
-give this as  a house warming gift, with herbs in it and the new home owners house number.

out front I have 2
-other uses for chalk board paint
-This is a frame I have had lying around for awhile
- My idea is to put it on a wall with chalk board paint behind it like the picture below!
-The possibilities are endless

I saw some glasses like these for sale at a local home store, the price was crazy! you can do this yourself with some tape ( to use as a outline) and paint. No more markers on plastic cups to keep everyones drinks straight.
cute idea!

love this
- other uses
- picture frames
- I  used it on top of my kids activity table and the back of our garage door.

- Have fun, let me know what you come up with.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Talking Dirty! laundry that is

-It's Laundry day here! (I am beginning to think everyday is laundry day).  I have to say( Little dramatic effect here)  I HATE MY LAUNDRY ROOM!!  If you can call it a room? But, I am lucky to have it. I have friends who spend one day a week at the Coin laundry. 

- I have to do something with this room. If I have to spend everyday in there, shouldn't it look nice? But, how do you decorate a laundry room? Well, never fear, answers are always a google away!
- Man oh man the possibility are endless!
 -But, can I do this on a budget?
- HAHA sure I can!
- Have you ever seen such beautiful Laundry rooms?
 - They make me want to so laundry!
Laundry room redo on the double! Stay tuned more to come.

Dreams and Wants!

I had one of these, before babies.
Just some eye candy for this Morning! These are all total wants, not needs. But who says I can't dream. I seem to be stuck on the dream thing this week? And the blue thing?  ohh, well I guess we all have something right? All these things are just to darn cute! I am not to sure, that all the men in this house would agree. But a girl can dream can't she!

This is adorable!

The place's we would go little travel tailer!

I think this is within my reach, lol  Wal-mart

Well, I have to have a cute basket for that bike!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Dream in blue

What color do you Dream in?  I dream in blue, Well blue cottages that is. Truly! I have dreams of this beautiful Blue cottage with a french dormer.   I know what your thinking, BLUE? Yes, blue ! Beautiful blue with bright white trim!
The you, me and Dupree house

A Katrina Cottage
 I have to say, this Katrina Cottage is my Favorite! ( Note the french Dormer.) Here is some very interesting information on the Katrina Cottages. The small cottages designed to replace FEMA trailers after Hurricane Katrina are popular, so popular that Lowe's has decided to offer them in their stores
Never tell your friends you dream about blue cottages, because if you do, they will certainly look at you like you have corn growing out of your ears!  ( it's the truth, I have had it happen)  HAHA
What's so wrong with blue?

Wow! come to mama!
 Nothing I say! nothing.
I can see this !
 Whatever color you dream in, keep on dreaming, Dreams are important, they give us hope and something to work for!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

kitchen inspiration!

Sweetest fridge ever!
Clean, white, fresh and very Cottage!

This fridge is cute also
There's my sink! I love open shelving, we are in the process of building open shelving, but in white!

Dream Dream Dream

Grown up S'mores

Basic S'mores
There are lots of ways to have S'mores. We have three takes on them at my house. There's your basic S'mores. Like the above picture

kid's S'mores, ok ok my hubby's favorite too.
This is how are kid's like them. With Reese's peanut butter cups
Grown up s'mores 
 Then there's how I like them, Granola thins, Giant marshmallow Roasters (have you seen the size of these things?) And Starbucks coffee Liqueur.  Just soak your Marshmallow's in the liqueur, then roast. yummy!

 you may also like Bailey's Irish Cream
Or Bailey's Mint Chocolate

Goodwill Deals!

The work really well with the dishes I have! See the canisters in the back ground
I love thrift stores, yard sales and The Goodwill! I also love saving money!  This is my Goodwill deal from last week. 4 plates and 6 bowls . They had more bowls, but I only need the six. All for under 5.00.

I love the Goodwill, for several reason 1.) If you donate items, they will give you a 20% off coupon 2.) They have some kind of sale once a week. For example if the clothing has a yellow tag 50% off.  Each week it changes, it could be dishes, toys, movies or different color tags. So combine that with your coupon and your looking at 70% off the already awesome prices.
Blends in with my wall color
I try to keep all my dishes white, so they all blend in no matter the make or model
perfect combination