Friday, June 24, 2011

Previously Enjoyed

I think she looks beautiful in her new home
For months I had been looking for a new dresser for my bedroom. It's very hard to find something that would tie in with My cottage theme. We ended up buying a dresser from one of those Big furniture places, where you get the stock number and load it yourself! Big mistake, I drove one and half hours to get it and back. Just to find out it was not all in the box! To make a long!!! story short. 2 days later and many hours spent on the road, it went back! Not to mention it was made out of particle board. So, I have clothes everywhere now and no dresser! And my wise husband says, " why don't you get something older?" This is where you insert the sound of crickets in the back ground! Geez, why didn't I think of that. I am not sure where my head had been for those few months. I always try to buy things that I can repurpose or recycle! I found this beauty 5 miles down the road in a consignment shop. It's very old and someone had already did all the heavy work painting it! It has lasted all these years, I am sure it will last me. Now she is old ( yes the dresser is a She, I am sick like that, lol) She needed a little wax so the drawers would open easily, and the drawer pulls needed tightening up. I suppose if we were this old, we would need a little tightening up too. Did I mention, The money I saved, more than half the price of the big store dresser.

one drawer pull does not match, but that's ok.

I didn't notice till I got home with it, one of the drawer pulls does not match. But I am ok with that!

I love that it is built to last!

These are a few of my Favorite things!

I can spend hours looking through theses Magazines, if i had hours. But, with two little boys and a home to take care of, I usually look through them before bed, when everyone is down for the night.
British Editions
 These Magazines are one of my splurges. I know what your thinking,  Splurge?
take a close look, they are British UK  editions. They are not something I always get, for several reason. 1. being the price, 2. The bookstore only gets so many copies, so it's first come, first serve, 3. I live a hour away from the nearest bookstore.
British Editions

I love the decorating ideas, that inspire me in these Magazines!  Next time your in the bookstore take a look!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One women's Junk

This will be a perfect match in our bedroom

You know what they say "one women's junk is another women's treasure!"  But in this house we like to call it Previously Enjoyed!   I found this little beauty in a Thrift store. It cost me a whole 1.49, HAHA

Salvaged 100 year old barn wood

The top of the handmade cabinet is 100 year old salvaged barn wood

Side view
My husband made this for me for Christmas 2 years ago. The top is made out of salvaged 100 year old barn wood. The barn had been torn down to make room for new construction. It's so beautiful. you can see the worm holes in it! Just beautiful. And a great way to repurpose.

The paint on the cabinet is Milk Paint  Milk paint is Earth friendly, Biodegradable and Green...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Recycling and Repurposing in the garden.

Cucumbers growing on a old metal baby crib spring. Rescued from the Goodwill. It's the perfect fit!
 Garden season, I love it! But that has not always been the case. After many years of fighting with this Virginia red clay, I just about gave up on ever having a garden. Then I discovered container gardening and raised beds.

 I have several of these blue feed containers that my Father in law (aka Papa) gave me. Feed or salt blocks come in them for his cattle. So, I repurposed them for growing my tomatoes and bell peppers.

Tomatoes growing in a old feed container. look at the size of that plant!

another look at the baby crib box spring
The Great part about raised beds and containers is there is very little weeding.  I love the square foot gardening  technique. You can grow so much in a small amount of space.

Making it yours, while saving tons of money!

My take on the fancy catalog
I love to get those fancy, but way to expensive catalogs in the mail.  I love, love all the beautiful layouts and beautiful things for your home. However, when  I start adding it all up...My head starts spinning! Years ago, I started clipping out pictures from magazines and catalogs that inspired me. Then come up with my on take on it.  I could have copied the fancy catalog picture exactly using frames from places like Kohls, Ikea or Wal-mart.  But, again this was my take on it. Lets do a price break down. My wall, (The frames are from Wal-mart ) they came in a 6 pack , on clearance for 5.99 each . A total of 12.00 plus tax.  The pictures I took myself, and got developed at My local Walgreens. Walgreens always has a weekly special on picture copies. The small pictures were about 10 to 16 cents and the larger ones with a coupon were about 2.65. In total 12.00 for pictures.  The whole wall totaling 22.00 dollars! The fancy Catalog wall totals about 400.00 dollars. A savings of about 380.00!

Did I mention, the 400.00 dollar price from the fancy Catalog was their sale price!

Monday, June 20, 2011


I love Flowers! But, have you seen the prices on flowers in the supermarket? WOW! As a stay home mom and resident penny pincher, buying flowers in the supermarket is going to happen far and few.  However, I was able to score this bunch and it's container for under 10.00. The cute little pocketbook container was 5.99 and you can use it over and over! I love the fake moss on it. It has a plastic lining inside for water. I didn't want to take any chances though, so I put  a ziplock baggie filled with water inside for extra protection from leaks. The flowers ( cottage looking don't you think?) 4.99!  and they will last a long time. Try to pick out flowers that will give you a couple of weeks of enjoyment instead of a few days . Get your Moneys worth.  I have some really pretty hydrangeas in bloom right now, so when the enjoyment of these beauties are over, hydrangeas it will be.